Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stuck Dvd based study

Jennie Allen’s Stuck (DVD based study kit) is a great resource. It’s a great resource for an individual or a group. It comes complete with: A DVD with eight sessions, a copy of the study guide (you’d have to buy more copies of the study guide if more than one person is involved), a copy of the leader’s guide and a set of conversation cards. There are seven different lessons included in this study: broken, mad, discontent, scared, overwhelmed, sad and unstuck.

I love that this type of kit is available in order to assist in a small group or in a personal setting. It addresses the situations that keep us stuck from God, from getting closer to God. Every day life can bind us and having more and more tools to help us get closer to God, I find is very helpful.

This study focuses on numerous areas, but a chord was struck with me when seeing this scripture listed: “ He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm: I47:3. God is longing for a relationship with us and we should seek comfort in him.

I would recommend this kit, it’s great.

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Friday, November 4, 2011

NYC--the love of my life (among others) :)

Happy November.

Since I've been off work due to my ACL injury, I've had mucho time to sit around and do a whole lotta' nothin'. AKA-watching lots of TV. I've recently delved back into my reality TV fix. I used to hate reality television, especially while I was in college. Since I spent hours studying the form of television, story lines, locations, production, was a transition.... your regular favorite series on television to reality television, which, let's face it.....some reality television shows are very heavily scripted and very rarely raw with raw footage.

Nonetheless, since college, reality television has come a long way and is primarily what is on television today and I have to say, I kinda love it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still obsessed with 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live and Ugly Betty, but I find humor and fascination in watching how other people live & what they do.

Enter Bethenny Frankel, my favorite comedienne. She's also a very successful author and businesswoman and a mommy. I've been watching reruns of "Bethenny Ever After" and have been cracking up ever since. She is hilarious.

Watching all of this reminds me of New York. The point of this post today. I have only been to New York twice. The first time to visit, the second time for an interview. The first time I was only there for about two days and slept for about 14 hours straight afterwards because it was non-stop. I loved it. The second trip I was only there for about 5-6 hours. I literally flew from Indy to NYC, traveled from LaGuardia to 30 Rockefeller Center, 30 Rock to LaGuardia, LaGuardia to Indy. (Where I paid $12.00 for a "value meal" at the LaGuardia Burger King.)

Short trip, yes, but I loved it. I stepped out in my black suit and hot pink heels and acted like I owned the city.

Watching all of my favorite reality TV shows (Project Runway, Bethenny Getting Married?, Bethenny Ever After, The Real Housewives of New York......) makes me miss New York. I know it's all in God's glorious plan....whether I'm meant to live there or not. If not, there are several items on my bucket list that must be fulfilled:

1.) Go shopping in NYC around Christmastime ...the snow....the trees...the lights..the people...skating @ 30 Rock.... (c'mon ACL...we gotta heal these knees!)

and 2.) Be in NYC during Thanksgiving for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

and 3.) Be in NYC during New Year's Eve..... yes, the place where the most pick pocketing in one night goes on. Note to self: carry no moola.

List of places to visit: Serendipity, Madame Tussaud's New York, Top of The Rock, Empire State Building, NYC Double Decker Bus, MOBIA, The Met, Dead Sea Scrolls Life and Faith in Biblical Times, Radio City Music Hall, On-Set Tours, Walkin' Broadway, Tiffany's, Every Single Broadway Show imaginable, B&H Photo and Video, Pop Burger, Pinkberry and Tasti-D-Lite. Among many many many many others.

(By the way, in case you were wondering.... yes I have seen some of the most historic & important NYC landmarks.... Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, etc.) I would like to visit them again of course.

That's enough ranting about my favorite city in the world at the moment. I highly suggest you visit if you have not done so.

Until we meet again New York..........xoxo

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blown away!

I recently reviewed Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back, by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent.

I was completely BLOWN AWAY by this book. It is hands down, one of the greatest books I have ever read. The book is about a small child that gets very ill (has a near death experience) and visits heaven while having surgery. His father, a pastor, has an angry conversation with God about why this was happening to his little boy and all the while, God is working miracles in all of their lives. The book definitely puts into perspective that life is a gift and it should not be wasted.

As I stated before, I was blown away by this book. The writing is fantastic. With each sentence I can picture small Colton and the reaction he was having that moment upon responding to a question. As so many have wondered ‘What is heaven really like?’ (myself included), this book gives a great view from a child’s perspective. We get into the spirit and innocence of a child by reading this book, which was really exciting to me because as we all know “God loooves children!”

I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone. It’s a short read (read it in one sitting) and it has a wonderful message. It will make you laugh and cry and be inspired by least it made me that way, which I couldn’t be happier about!

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Homerun!

I recently read “Lessons Learned as a Bridesmaid, what every single woman should know before becoming a bride” by Larissa Dayana Jean. Wow! What a great read. As a single woman, I found this book to be a home run. It encourages women to accept God’s timing. Even when all your friends are married, all your siblings are married, everyone around you seems to be married but YOU, God knows the timetable he has set for you and it will happen on his time.

I think at times we’re eager for life’s situations to happen on our time, but that’s not the case. As women, we often seek the approval of a man, when we really should be seeking God’s approval and remember that ‘our value comes from God, not from the attention of a guy.’ Although I already knew this, this book reiterated to me that God has a plan for each one of us and not to believe the lie of the enemy- (that God is blessing everyone but me in the marriage department... liar!) I know God has a marriage plan for me and I will continue to celebrate with those who celebrate and cry with those who cry and do what the Lord has created me to do. This book made me realize that time spent waiting, is not time wasted. It is time spent living the life God has planned.

In order to move forward in life, we must adhere to God’s plan and believe that he has every intention to make us complete and whole and that if we follow him, we shall be saved. Way to go Larissa! This book rocks!

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Close Enough To Hear God Breathe...

I recently read a portion of “Close Enough To Hear God Breathe,” The Great Story of Divine Intimacy, by Greg Paul. The title really caught my attention. I have been working on studying scriptures and drawing closer to God, so I thought this book would be a good compliment to assist in my journey. I sadly didn’t really enjoy this book. I was only able to read about a quarter of it before putting it down. I found it to be a lot about Paul’s family and stories about their family life. which is great, but not exactly what I was looking for.

With that said, a few of the stories were touching. I did enjoy the story of Paul teaching his son how to use a hammer and nail. He speaks about building a house and teaching his son how to use a hammer and nail, all the while, during the time he is working, his son nails pieces of wood to the floor that he later tried to kick aside, but found the little boy had nailed them to the floor and he has to pry from the floor. He speaks about God in a sense stating that “when I do become aware of my own insufficiency-when the hammer is too heavy for me and slips off the nail- he does not sniff and say, You are a broken and pathetic thing, but I might choose to fix you anyway. His arm is around me, his hand supporting mine on the shaft of a wayward hammer, and I do not sense frustration, disappointment, or anger. I can hear a smile and the quiet delight in his voice.” That to me is a powerful statement showing that God is always directing that hammer and if we slip and fall, he will be there to catch us.

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A changed life.

My life has been changed. September 17th will go down in history as the greatest day of my life thus far. I publicly committed my life to Christ through baptism. Not much was going through my head during the actual baptism because it lasted about four or five minutes, but before and after were memorable moments.

I became very emotional before the baptism ceremony started because my family came to support me and they played one of my favorite songs and I think I was a little nervous about the logistics of the "dunk." (Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall...bend your knees, plug your nose... yeah forgot about that last part and held back the coughing as I hugged one of the pastors after pulling me from the water.) Afterwards, I felt clean. Physically clean, mentally clean, emotionally was very freeing and encouraging. The shames and guilt of my past are gone and I am committed to living my life each day to please God. Of course we all sin, but from that day forward will be a marker. I wasn't at all expecting to get any type of card or gift. I got a very special card from a friend, cards from family, special voice mails and text messages, books (one from Grandma and one from my sweet and fellow Christian neighbors that have been married for 30+ years), lunch with my mom and brothers and a beautiful cross for my house. These are all items that I will look at continuously and remember my special day.

An unexpected family crisis happened that day and the day following. I committed my life to Christ and that does not make Satan happy. It was pointed out to me that Satan knows exactly where to hit us and make it hurt...make it hurt hard. Well, he can stay down there where he's at..and I told him that! I've decided nothing is going to take away from my special day. What happened was a piece of the day, a piece I will never forget, but most importantly, it will be known as the day I committed my life to Christ and that I am forever his.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

fresh-brewed life

Nicole Johnson does not disappoint when it comes to “fresh-brewed life.” I found it to be honest and persuading in the fact that we should be truthful to ourselves. When writing in a journal, don’t say things like “I’m tired, but I’m looking forward to this day.” Johnson notes, “Why be polite in my journal?” Who is going to see this? No one but me, so no sense in not telling the truth to my journal. I find this is a bit like having a conversation with God. He already knows what you’re thinking, so you might as well just come out and tell him what you’re thinking--because he knows what’s in your heart already! I really like the fact that Johnson notes to spend time with yourself. She encourages having your own ‘date.’ Spending an hour with your journal and your bible at a coffee shop or a park, etc. This will allow you to really take the time to write an honest journal entry and just spending time studying God’s word. I like the fact that Johnson sees journaling as free counseling. In a way it allows us to put our words on paper and work out our thoughts in a logical and healing way. Johnson describes “fresh-brewed life” as a wake up to your soul, much like a good cup of coffee. It was an enjoyable read, one that I will definitely keep to read from time to time. It was soothing and memorable.

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Glory to God Forever!

It's official. September 17th, 2011, I will be baptized. My life will forever be changed. I've waited for this day for a very long time and I'm very happy and excited about this decision. It's been a long time coming... I've embraced churches, run away from them...but I've finally found my church home and I'm committed now more than ever to Christ.

I've struggled in the past with my appearance, my weight, my eczema, my broad shoulders, my "softball arms and thighs" but I'm coming into my own and have really realized that God created me as I am and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Let's face it... pitchers HAVE to have strong legs and thighs...and that's the way the cookie crumbles. ;) No shame here.

I've accepted God as my first love. Which was pointed out to me by my good friend Carey. As I vented to her about wanting to have a stable job and life, a husband and children.... she pointed this out to me (that God should be our first love) and it was so painfully obvious.... I can't believe I never realized it sooner. God sent his only son to die for my sins. For me. For you. The veil has been removed, (no pun intended) and I was quick to diminish my desire for the moment (for having the perfect job or boyfriend,etc...) I have fallen in love with God, it's a love I know will last forever.

Of course, some days are struggles and some are not, but I know I will always get through. The power of prayer is quite tremendous and astonishing. I've learned to be completely honest with the Lord and thanking him and letting him know what I need and asking for guidance. After all, he already knows what I'm about to say, no sense in not saying it!

I cannot wait for September 17th!

The perfect song for the moment is this: Glory to God Forever

Before the world was made
Before you spoke it to be
You were the King of Kings
Yeah you were, yeah you were
And now you'
re reigning still
Enthroned above all things
Angels and saints cry out
We join them as we sing

Glory to God
Glory to God
Glory to God forever

Creator God you gave
Me breath so I could praise
Your great and matchless name
All my days all my days
So let my whole life be
A blazing offering
A life that shouts and sings
The greatness of our King

Take my life and let it be
All for You and for Your glory
Take my life and let it be Yours


Monday, August 15, 2011

Praying for the Indiana State Fair

"I guess it's been awhile, since I've seen the sunshine, since I have smiled. And me, whose so well versed, feelin' so damn empty, is at a loss for words, prayin' for the day when there is no more rain. I don't wanna do anything but cry. "

Somehow those words felt right to say at the moment. Of course, they are not my own, they're song lyrics. Depending on my mood, that's usually the song I'll listening to while I'm writing. Right now my heart is aching for the tragic incident that happened this past weekend at the Indiana State Fair. Lives lost, over forty people seriously injured, a destroyed venue and thousands of heart broken people.

The other day while driving I was thinking to myself, "what can I do about this situation?" There's really nothing I can do but pray. I said aloud "if all I can do is pray, then please help me find the words.." something along those lines and in an instant, my mind was calm, I was able to take a long, deep breath and I prayed. My mom called it a God Breath, which I kinda like. I was able to clear my mind and put my heartfelt prayers out there for all those people and thanking God for those who stepped up and assisted during this disaster, which the Red Cross tagged 'level 1.' "All hands on deck."

I do not personally know anyone involved, but I know people that know people who were injured. The incident is just something that's on my mind and I'm really feeling those lyrics from one of my favorite songs, Hosanna, "break my heart for what breaks yours."I'm distraught about what happened, but this incident has actually helped me grow even deeper into my faith. I've found some scriptures that relate.

1 Peter 3:18, For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

And some really great quotes:

"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way."

When lives are bogged down with defeat and despair, only the hope that comes through a relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ can bring about true happiness. God's Word testifies to His ability to carry us through the difficult times.

Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be afraid of them! For the Lord your God will be with you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31: 6

All who are oppressed may come to Him. He is a refuge for them in their times of trouble. All those who know your mercy, Lord, will count on you for help. For you have never yet forsaken those who trust in you. Psalm 9: 9-10

If anyone out there is reading this, please take a few moments and pray for this incident. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ding..Ding...Ding...The Avon Lady!

Anyone out there struggling with work? Unfortunately, I am. I've been praying for a long time about my job. It seems to me that each time I pray about this, something new at work happens---something good! I recently told God exactly what I needed, guidance in my current job. The next day I was blindsided. I got a promotion! Not a very big one, but nonetheless, a promotion. Praise God for answering my prayers, I asked and he provided.

He has answered my prayer, but I'm still struggling with work. I'm hoping this is normal, but it's a very difficult struggle. A lot happens throughout my day and each day I get very aggravated and stressed out about what happens. I get yelled at A LOT each day and put down by certain individuals. I feel bad that I've prayed and God has provided, but I'm struggling with staying in my current job because it's having a huge impact on my emotional and personal well-being. I don't want to disrespect or question God's plan at all, but I'm really struggling with work.

I recently found a masters program that I really would like to enroll in. AU has a masters in Christian Ministry with an emphasis in worship studies, ding..ding..ding....the Avon Lady!!! Something like this couldn't be more perfect for someone like me!
However, it is an additional expense. I would love to go to school full-time and work part time at my church, but what about that huge amount of student loan debt?

I'm praying about it and I know God will direct me where I'm supposed to go, he will always provide.

If there are any readers out there and if you wouldn't mind, please pray for my current work situation and whether or not I should return to school. Many thanks and blessings!

Currently listening to & hooked on: "King of Glory" by Chris Tomlin

Monday, July 25, 2011

God's Love Letters to You

Dr. Larry Crabb does not disappoint in his book titled ‘God’s Love Letters to You.’ Admittedly, I did not read this book over forty days. I read the book in a couple of days, I couldn’t help myself! The scriptures and teachings are so powerful! I jotted down several inspirational lines from this book, but here are some of the most beautiful ones:

“God says: You want me to solve your problems, but you don’t know what your worse problem is, the one responsible for all the others. You don’t yet realize that distance from Me is the most lethal problem you have. When the first thing (namely Me) is in first place in your life, every second thing will be taken care of.”

“If I exist, if I am good, if My story is loving and my plan is on course, My spirit will speak into the deep place in your heart that only terrifying doubt renders accessible. And in that place I will anchor you in hope.”

Wow! This brought so much light to my eyes. As individuals and as a whole, we need to realize that God should be our first love, all other things come after that. This book highlights many of those important points that we all need to be reminded of everyone once in awhile. You will not be disappointed!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What would you do?

Today church provided a message both encouraging and also heart breaking. Someone took a video camera in our town and placed a message about God in the middle of the sidewalk of a busy shopping center. Several and I mean several people walked back and forth glancing down at what they saw, but no reaction. Some people hesitated wondering why something so large was in the middle of the sidewalk, but didn't really think twice, they continued to walk. We didn't get to see exactly what was placed on the sidewalk, but watching some people glance at it and others ignore it made me curious. What would I do if I saw that? I would immediately stop and read and see what the message entailed. What would you do? Would you ignore God's word? Don't have time for God's word? What about the time he gives us all daily? What about the glorious gift he's sent? Sending his only son to die for our sins? I'll ask again, what would you do?

Fast forward to a few video clips of people in Africa and Indonesia. Missionaries were exiting planes with boxes full of bibles that had been translated into different languages. People were screaming, crying, dancing and praising God. They were so excited that they got to read God's word in a language they know and understand.

It made me hopeful for the people across the world so hungry for God's word, but sad for people in my city that just ignored a glorious gift on the sidewalk. This made me realize that God's love and mercy has washed over my sins and HE is using me to share God's word.

Today I finally turned in my information card at church. You know, the one that's on the back of chairs or pews or placed inside a program. I'd been meaning to do it for awhile, but never did. I told my mom I did so today and she said something that made a lot of sense, that I guess I hadn't realized. "Well, there you go, that's your home church."

Last week I finally got to meet the senior pastor, Pastor Dave and had a conversation with him about the burning desire that's in my heart for ministry and media. He said he may have an opportunity for me and we should meet. I immediately emailed him and anxiously await his reply. Today they stated a need for several volunteers of all different backgrounds: medical, IT, attorneys, fundraising and creative communications, among others.

There it is. In big bold letters, Creative Communications (special need for videography for both local and international ministries. )

Mom's right. Sounds like I've not only found my church home, but also my calling.

Heal my heart and make it clean. Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like You have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause. As I walk from earth into eternity. Hosanna, hosanna. Hosanna in the highest!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A new beginning.....

My first official posting. I'm creating this blog for two reasons: 1.) God 2.) Myself.

I have always been a Christian, but have recently dedicated my life to the Lord and I've realized that all good things come from him, in fact ALL things come from him. I recently was struggling with my faith and felt lost in the world. A good friend of mine pointed out to me that Jesus should be our first love, that everything we do should be for him and to honor him. Why had that not really crossed my mind before? She brought a fresh breeze into my thinking and it has since changed me.

To my lifelong best friend that I've known for well over twenty years: Carey, thank you. I love you!

So prospective friends, I ask to share and join in fellowship and lookout for future blogs as I have joined Booksneeze and am SO excited to learn more about Christ our Lord and share about it through writing.

"Into marvelous light I'm running, out of darkness, out of shame.... your breath fills up my lungs, now I'm free....."