Friday, September 30, 2011

Close Enough To Hear God Breathe...

I recently read a portion of “Close Enough To Hear God Breathe,” The Great Story of Divine Intimacy, by Greg Paul. The title really caught my attention. I have been working on studying scriptures and drawing closer to God, so I thought this book would be a good compliment to assist in my journey. I sadly didn’t really enjoy this book. I was only able to read about a quarter of it before putting it down. I found it to be a lot about Paul’s family and stories about their family life. which is great, but not exactly what I was looking for.

With that said, a few of the stories were touching. I did enjoy the story of Paul teaching his son how to use a hammer and nail. He speaks about building a house and teaching his son how to use a hammer and nail, all the while, during the time he is working, his son nails pieces of wood to the floor that he later tried to kick aside, but found the little boy had nailed them to the floor and he has to pry from the floor. He speaks about God in a sense stating that “when I do become aware of my own insufficiency-when the hammer is too heavy for me and slips off the nail- he does not sniff and say, You are a broken and pathetic thing, but I might choose to fix you anyway. His arm is around me, his hand supporting mine on the shaft of a wayward hammer, and I do not sense frustration, disappointment, or anger. I can hear a smile and the quiet delight in his voice.” That to me is a powerful statement showing that God is always directing that hammer and if we slip and fall, he will be there to catch us.

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A changed life.

My life has been changed. September 17th will go down in history as the greatest day of my life thus far. I publicly committed my life to Christ through baptism. Not much was going through my head during the actual baptism because it lasted about four or five minutes, but before and after were memorable moments.

I became very emotional before the baptism ceremony started because my family came to support me and they played one of my favorite songs and I think I was a little nervous about the logistics of the "dunk." (Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall...bend your knees, plug your nose... yeah forgot about that last part and held back the coughing as I hugged one of the pastors after pulling me from the water.) Afterwards, I felt clean. Physically clean, mentally clean, emotionally was very freeing and encouraging. The shames and guilt of my past are gone and I am committed to living my life each day to please God. Of course we all sin, but from that day forward will be a marker. I wasn't at all expecting to get any type of card or gift. I got a very special card from a friend, cards from family, special voice mails and text messages, books (one from Grandma and one from my sweet and fellow Christian neighbors that have been married for 30+ years), lunch with my mom and brothers and a beautiful cross for my house. These are all items that I will look at continuously and remember my special day.

An unexpected family crisis happened that day and the day following. I committed my life to Christ and that does not make Satan happy. It was pointed out to me that Satan knows exactly where to hit us and make it hurt...make it hurt hard. Well, he can stay down there where he's at..and I told him that! I've decided nothing is going to take away from my special day. What happened was a piece of the day, a piece I will never forget, but most importantly, it will be known as the day I committed my life to Christ and that I am forever his.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

fresh-brewed life

Nicole Johnson does not disappoint when it comes to “fresh-brewed life.” I found it to be honest and persuading in the fact that we should be truthful to ourselves. When writing in a journal, don’t say things like “I’m tired, but I’m looking forward to this day.” Johnson notes, “Why be polite in my journal?” Who is going to see this? No one but me, so no sense in not telling the truth to my journal. I find this is a bit like having a conversation with God. He already knows what you’re thinking, so you might as well just come out and tell him what you’re thinking--because he knows what’s in your heart already! I really like the fact that Johnson notes to spend time with yourself. She encourages having your own ‘date.’ Spending an hour with your journal and your bible at a coffee shop or a park, etc. This will allow you to really take the time to write an honest journal entry and just spending time studying God’s word. I like the fact that Johnson sees journaling as free counseling. In a way it allows us to put our words on paper and work out our thoughts in a logical and healing way. Johnson describes “fresh-brewed life” as a wake up to your soul, much like a good cup of coffee. It was an enjoyable read, one that I will definitely keep to read from time to time. It was soothing and memorable.

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.