Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blown away!

I recently reviewed Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back, by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent.

I was completely BLOWN AWAY by this book. It is hands down, one of the greatest books I have ever read. The book is about a small child that gets very ill (has a near death experience) and visits heaven while having surgery. His father, a pastor, has an angry conversation with God about why this was happening to his little boy and all the while, God is working miracles in all of their lives. The book definitely puts into perspective that life is a gift and it should not be wasted.

As I stated before, I was blown away by this book. The writing is fantastic. With each sentence I can picture small Colton and the reaction he was having that moment upon responding to a question. As so many have wondered ‘What is heaven really like?’ (myself included), this book gives a great view from a child’s perspective. We get into the spirit and innocence of a child by reading this book, which was really exciting to me because as we all know “God loooves children!”

I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone. It’s a short read (read it in one sitting) and it has a wonderful message. It will make you laugh and cry and be inspired by least it made me that way, which I couldn’t be happier about!

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Homerun!

I recently read “Lessons Learned as a Bridesmaid, what every single woman should know before becoming a bride” by Larissa Dayana Jean. Wow! What a great read. As a single woman, I found this book to be a home run. It encourages women to accept God’s timing. Even when all your friends are married, all your siblings are married, everyone around you seems to be married but YOU, God knows the timetable he has set for you and it will happen on his time.

I think at times we’re eager for life’s situations to happen on our time, but that’s not the case. As women, we often seek the approval of a man, when we really should be seeking God’s approval and remember that ‘our value comes from God, not from the attention of a guy.’ Although I already knew this, this book reiterated to me that God has a plan for each one of us and not to believe the lie of the enemy- (that God is blessing everyone but me in the marriage department... liar!) I know God has a marriage plan for me and I will continue to celebrate with those who celebrate and cry with those who cry and do what the Lord has created me to do. This book made me realize that time spent waiting, is not time wasted. It is time spent living the life God has planned.

In order to move forward in life, we must adhere to God’s plan and believe that he has every intention to make us complete and whole and that if we follow him, we shall be saved. Way to go Larissa! This book rocks!

*I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.