Thursday, September 22, 2011

A changed life.

My life has been changed. September 17th will go down in history as the greatest day of my life thus far. I publicly committed my life to Christ through baptism. Not much was going through my head during the actual baptism because it lasted about four or five minutes, but before and after were memorable moments.

I became very emotional before the baptism ceremony started because my family came to support me and they played one of my favorite songs and I think I was a little nervous about the logistics of the "dunk." (Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall...bend your knees, plug your nose... yeah forgot about that last part and held back the coughing as I hugged one of the pastors after pulling me from the water.) Afterwards, I felt clean. Physically clean, mentally clean, emotionally was very freeing and encouraging. The shames and guilt of my past are gone and I am committed to living my life each day to please God. Of course we all sin, but from that day forward will be a marker. I wasn't at all expecting to get any type of card or gift. I got a very special card from a friend, cards from family, special voice mails and text messages, books (one from Grandma and one from my sweet and fellow Christian neighbors that have been married for 30+ years), lunch with my mom and brothers and a beautiful cross for my house. These are all items that I will look at continuously and remember my special day.

An unexpected family crisis happened that day and the day following. I committed my life to Christ and that does not make Satan happy. It was pointed out to me that Satan knows exactly where to hit us and make it hurt...make it hurt hard. Well, he can stay down there where he's at..and I told him that! I've decided nothing is going to take away from my special day. What happened was a piece of the day, a piece I will never forget, but most importantly, it will be known as the day I committed my life to Christ and that I am forever his.

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